Nowadays, Bat Mitzvah girls who wish to be called up to read from the Torah in the synagogue, and learn the portion of the week from the Bible and the Haftarah portion of the Prophets, enwrap in a Tallit and cover their heads when they are called up to read from the Torah.
Adult women returning to their roots, too, celebrate Bat Mitzvah and enwrap in a Tallit when they are called up to read from the Torah.
Bat mitzvah girls choose a kosher bat mitzvah Tallit that has fringes in accordance with Jewish religious laws, and an atarah, and has some fashionable features as well.
Adult women choose a Tallit that has been specially designed for women and are called Tallit Nashim or women’s Tallitot.
In our studio at Galilee Silks we create the most beautiful women's Tallis in a variety of the finest fabrics and color combinations, decorated with lovely trims and ribbons. The Atara - the neckpiece of the tallit is embroidered or printed with the Bracha. Each Tallit comes with a matching Tallis bag and Kippah.