Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Tallit on Knol

The Tallit - Jewish prayer shawl - is a commemoration of a kind of wrap that was worn by our forefathers. After the Exile, they adopted the custom of the neighboring Bedouins of wearing it as protection from the sun, and the Tallit became an every day garment.
Read more on the Google Knol project

Monday, August 10, 2009

Unique Galilee Silks Judaica gifts and Tallitot ON SALE

Galilee Silks added to the online Judaica store beaufitul Voile Womens Tallitot with lovely silk apllications price: $130.
We continue our Mens & Womens Tallitot ON SALE... and offcourse we recommend to view all our products in our Judiaca online store.
Come browse around & order now your beautiful unique gifts from Eretz Israel, in time for the High Holy Days!